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Training Courses

Standard Requirements Awareness / Transition Training

(3 ~ 4 hours course)

Applicable Standards:

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001| ISO 45001 | ISO 22000 | ISO 27001 | ISO 50001 | SERI R2 and others...

  • Introduce ISO (or other) standard background and structure

  • Interpret terminologies and definitions commonly used in the standards

  • Compare the differences between existing and new standards (for Transition Training only)

  • Identify standard requirements and how to apply them

  • Provide sample documents to drive understanding

Examples of Transition Training:

  • OHSAS 18001:2007 <> ISO 45001:2018

  • ISO 22000:2005 <> ISO 22000:2018

  • ISO 50001:2011 <> ISO 50001:2018

  • SERI R2:2013 <> SERI R2 (v3) (this standard is still under development)

Internal Auditor Training

(Based on ISO 19011)


(12 ~ 14 hours course, two working days)

Applicable Standards:

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001| ISO 45001 | ISO 22000 | ISO 27001 | ISO 50001 and others...

  • Interpret terminologies and definitions commonly used in the standards and also in management system auditing

  • Identify ISO standard requirements 

  • Teach skills and methods on planning, conducting, reporting and following-up of internal audits 

  • Practice internal audits 

  • Evaluate knowledge by examination

Procedure / Document

Writing Workshop


(7 ~ 8 hours course)

Applicable to all companies, who want to document their work processes, with or without a management system 

  • Interpret applicable international standard requirements related to documented information

  • Explain basic structure and essential elements for a good procedure 

  • Practice procedure writing skill

  • Teach how to make forms and records   

  • Review and comment draft procedures

We provide procedure review and comment services for the companies participating in this training, in condition

Other Tailor-made Training
Looking for more? We can provide tailor-made training services that are suitable and drive improvement to your company.
Those trainings include, but not limited to: 
  • Leadership training for management

  • OH&S risk assessment training

  • Environmental review assessment training

  • HACCP training

  • Risk & opportunity management training

On-line Web-based Training


Applicable Standards:

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001| ISO 45001 | ISO 22000 | ISO 27001 | ISO 50001| SERI R2 and others...

  • You can subscribe to our on-line training. Learn ISO standards and management systems without limitation on times, locations and number of peoples. Check out immediately.

"Never Stop Learning"

We offer a series of ISO and other standard training courses to meet your learning needs. 

During the training, you will enjoy the interactive and practical learning sessions, which will help you to easily understand standard theory and application. We can provide on-site training regardless of the number of participants.

Training certificates will be issued to the participants who complete the course and meet the attendance requirements (and pass the exam for internal auditor course).

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