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SERI R2v3 / SERI R2:2013

Responsibly Recycling for Electronics Recyclers

What is SERI R2?

SERI is an ANSI-accredited US standards development organization that introduces the latest standard for SERI R2v3. The goal of the R2 standard is to reduce environmental pollution and impact caused by global electronic waste. The standard requires electronic recyclers to ensure environmental and safety responsibilities in the recycling and reuse of electronic equipment and in the entire recycling chain to downstream recycling.

Benefit of SERI R2

The SERI R2 standard is almost a mandatory requirement for major electronics companies and recycling industries in the United States. If you are in the electronics recycling industry and have business with these customers from the US, you may need to certify SERI R2. Because the R2 standard requires strict monitoring of the downstream recycling chain, the organization that has already certified R2 has great advantages to find more business opportunities in the downstream recycling chain.


SERI R2 is quite new compared with other international standards but become more and more competitive globally. Currently, there are only a few recyclers certified in R2 in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Therefore, an electronics recycler with an R2 certificate can definitely lead the industry.

SERI R2 Requirements

There are 13 auditable clauses in the SERI R2 standard, including environmental management systems and occupational safety and health management system requirements. You can find out the standard requirements in the following or related links.

(For more news, please refer to the SERI official website or stay with us)

Clause 1 - Environmental, health and safety management system

The recycler shall establish, implement and certify to a documented EHS management system. (Because of this requirement, it is advised that the recyclers should be certified to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 or related standards when they certify R2)

Clause 2 - Reuse, recover,... hierarchy of responsible management strategies

The recycler shall develop and adhere to a policy for managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment that is based on a (1) reuse, (2) regeneration, (3) energy regeneration or landfill sequences.

Clause 3 - Legal requirements

The recycler shall ensure that its operations, facilities, and activities are fully complied with the applicable legal requirements and shall establish a compliance plan showing each step of how to comply with applicable requirements. (In addition to the EHS regulations, organizations may also need to consider other relevant regulations, such as import and export, transportation, etc.)

Clause 4 - On-site environment, health, and safety

The recycler shall ensure that staffs have sufficient capabilities and knowledge to meet all applicable safety and health requirements. At the same time maintain a good working environment and control the risk of health and safety. (Recycler who has already implemented effective safety and health management system and the scope of the system has fully included the scope of R2 certification, should be able to fulfill this requirement)

Clause 5 - Focus materials

The recycler shall establish a management plan for the focus material to ensure that the waste electronic equipment containing focus materials is completely compliant with standards and applicable regulations requirements. Recyclers should not consider treating wastes by energy regeneration, incineration or landfill as possible. The standard requires recycler to pick the right downstream vendor and to follow up with the final destination of the focus material.

Clause 6 - Reusable quipment and components

If the waste electronic equipment and components can be reused in the market, the recycler shall check, test and classify the equipment for reuse, resales or reuse purpose. All these processes shall be managed by a quality assurance plan. A product return plan shall also be developed to handle the products returned by the customer.

Clause 7 - Tracking throughput

The recycler shall maintain at least 3 years of electronic recycling business records, including contracts, bills of lading or similar documents, to demonstrate and track the flow of electronic equipment, components, and materials.

Clause 8 - Data destruction

The recycler shall carefully handle and remove the data in the wasted electronic equipment. These process shall have appropriate controls, such as ensuring employee competence, independent verification, and record keeping.

Clause 9 - Storage

The standard has certain requirements for the storage of electronic equipment and materials, including adequate protection, security, and identification for the storage area.

Clause 10 - Security

The recycler shall implement security measures in the facilities to prevent physical and information losses.

Clause 11 - Insurance, closure plan, and finanical responsibility

The recycler shall ensure that there are sufficient insurance or financial instruments to cover the risks and liabilities arising from recycling activities, including environmental pollution and safety-related compensation. It shall develop a closure plan that including the details on how to use the financial tools and follow-up actions when closing the facilities.

Clause 12 - Transportation

The process of transporting electronic equipment, components and materials shall comply with the EHS management system and applicable regulatory requirements. The recycler shall maintain an acceptable vehicle and driver safety records.

Clause 13 - Documentation and recordkeeping

The recycler shall maintain all the documentation necessary to demonstrate conformance to the R2:2013 Standard.

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